Sunday, August 20, 2017

Sporting Life 10K 2017

Wow, time flies!  It's already past mid 2017 already!  The past year had been a true trial for me, very difficult and with lots of anxiety, fear, and sleepless nights.  But its over now, and I am feeling blessed that everything has blown over.

Because of all the craziness and stress going on with my the past year, I hadn't done much training or many events.  So I'd have to say, most of 2016 was a blur for me, but things did slow down to a good pace, and by May, I saw light at the end of a very dark tunnel :) Thusly, with renewed energy, I was able to yet again participate in my annual Sporting Life 10K run.

First race of the season is the annual Sporting Life 10K run.

Day before Race
I met up with my friend Susan in the morning to hangout, and perhaps toss in a practice 3k run with her to prep for the race the next day.  The run didn't happen lol, but we did hangout around the beaches / Leslieville neighbourhood. We wandered a bit before deciding to go for brunch in the area, but on the way to the restaurant, we were led away from it by the delicious smell of bacon.  It took us to a place called "Rashers".  Goodness if there was ever a good BLT sandwich, this is the place to have it!  After ordering our respective BLTs, mine was the plain one and my friend a specialty one, we set out to eat it on some stools within the place.  The sandwiches were fantastic :)

After having our fill of high quality BLT sandwiches, we headed uptown to my friend's place, picked up a few items to cook.  Mind you, the cooking didn't seem like such a great feat, but somehow we ended up cooking for a long time....  so what leisure time we had intended to have was pretty much taken up by the cooking.  Still, the food was fantastic - Roast Chicken, Shish Kabob, Cobb Salad, and Lemon Zest Spaghetti.

After eating and cleaning up, we had perhaps an hour to unwind; so we ended up watching buzzfeed videos about food - i.e. $2 egg vs $95 egg.  It was quite fun and a great way to just relax.

Race Day

We woke up, my friend did the pickup rounds with everyone, her boyfriend and her younger brother and we headed down to the startline of the race.  It wasn't all that smooth as we had thought, when we arrived and had parked, I'd not looked up to when the baggage check was done.... so appearantly it was over by the time we had arrived.  I had to go back to the car, drop off the stuff and then go back to the startline.  It was a stressful time, the running back and forth, but finally we stood ready at the startline, although we were one or two waves behind what we had intended.

Our wave started, and zoom, we all went at our own pace :) The race went as I expected, and I averaged around the same time as I usually did - lol not the Flash by any means, but it was a solid finish, no injuries or mishaps.  After the race, I met up with Susan and the others and we took our time getting free samples and just chilling in the area as we ate our complimentary banana and bagel. We texted to two other friends who hadn't travelled with us to the startline (they were at a different wave), and discovered that they had gone home! lol  We had started too late, and they had finished much too early, perhaps about 2 hours before us.  It was too cold and tiring for them to wait around, so they had dispersed and gone home.

As for us, since we had finished the race, we were also quite famished.  My friend's boyfriend looked up some potential restaurants, and we decided to try a place called "The Beast".  It wasn't too far of a walk from where we were, so the decision was easily made.  When we arrived, there was a 30min wait, but it was worth it!   The food that we ordered tasted marvellous :)

After a delicious meal, I bid farewell to my friends, as I needed to be somewhere later in the afternoon.  I skipped off first to Goodlife to freshen up before meeting up with another friend for dinner.  It wasn't until a full 5 hours later until I got home.


Once I got home, I rested perhaps for half an hour before going over to another friend's place to check up on her cat. lol.  I was the designated cat sitter for her while she was away on vacation.

The cat was happy to see me, her food had run out!  So it was good that I had come to see her.  I filled her food bowl, replaced her water, cleaned her litter, and played with her; I didn't leave until an hour later. Overall, it was a very packed but fun day :) Am looking forward to next years race already.

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