Friday, July 8, 2011

Weekly Run ... Ducks sunbathing on the boardwalk

Today I had aimed to get up for 6:30am for my run. I set two alarms. One at 5:30am, and one at 6:30am. Didn't even hear the first one. I woke up to the second one. Turned it off, and rolled back to bed.
Half an hour later, I jerked awake and sadly glanced at my clock to find that it was 7am. I had half an hour to freshen up and get out the door... to run in the heat yet again.

On my return of my 7.4km run I took some pictures of ducks sunbathing. Quite adorable actually. I've been observing them almost every other day, from the start of my run and on my way back. The things you observe sometimes :)

So tomorrow is Warrior Dash, some crazy event I signed up for. In terms of training for this event, aside from just running and some aerobics exercise, I am ill prepared. Ai! I did read some blogs, particulary one called couple's bucket list, and it was inspiring to know that it's survivable :) I just have to be able to conquer my fears and try not to think about how little upper strength I have when I have to climb the nets... my fear of heights... fire... the dark...hills... lol.

#1: Go through tangled nets (Caotic Crossover)
#2: Forge your way through a dark forest (Dark Forest)
#3: Maneuver over cargo nets (Cargo Climb)
#4: Dive into Darkness and escape the trenches (Black out)
#5: Thread through tangled ropes (Arachnophobia)
#6: Speed through hundreds of tires (Knee high hell)
#7: Sprint to the Summit (Hell's Hill)
#8: Hustle up over giant straw hales (Hay Fever)
#9: Stampede through a scrap yard (Junk yard Jam)
#10: Slosh down a slippery slope (petrifying plunge)
#11: Leap through warrior fires (Warrior Roast)
#12: Scramble beneath barbed wire as you near the finish (Muddy Mayhem)

My checklist for this event?
#1 Contacts & backup glasses
I've only really wore contacts once to do running (today!), on and off in the evenings (2hrs?). Today, I managed a full 6 hours with it on. Wasn't too pleasant near the end...
#2 Extra set of clothes
#3 Sandals (my awesome crocs!)
#4 1L bottle of water for the end of the race (probably pick it up on my way up to Horseshoe Valley)
#5 Wear grungey cloths that I plan to retire (found a set!) Need to return the pants I bought from old navy... plus wear old runners. time to retire these 500km + oldies
#6 $10 cash for parking
#7 Map to the place
#8 Print out of the waiver to speed up the packet pick up process
#9 Bring my drivers license as ID for race packet pick up
#10 maybe a towel or something for freshening up post race
#11 Body Glide
#12 Some bandaids ;) (just in case!)
#13 Camera for the aftermath

Wish me luck... or just give me any extra you don't need :P

After this event... back to training for the duathlon! August is getting closer...


  1. Good luck Wendy! I know you will do well :)

  2. Thanks Lucy! The event was amazing! :) We still need to meet up for dinner sometime downtown, let me know when you're free!
