Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Back in training ... easy 7km run

Today, I'm back in training again! To explain what I mean by that, I'll have to backtrack to some events that happened last Saturday, where I was suppose to do my 26km run. During the week I had not been able to do my regular runs due to work and well, my social life got in the way a little :) I admit, I sacrificed a night of running to watch Harry Potter ;) I did manage however to get in one yoga session during the week, so I could be redeemed a little.

Despite my weak training that week, I was still confident to do my 26km run -- I actually prepared myself on the friday - eating more carbs than usual (lol, two dinners! 2 pizzas and fries). The next morning, however, when I woke up and was readying up to head out, I noticed my foot was hurting a bit. In fact, it was cramped up. Unusual. Especially since I hadn't done anything exertive the past few days. It was only 5:30am at this point, so I was able to spare sometime to do some googling. Mind you, it's amazing with the things you can find with just typing keywords of "pain" and "foot". So, after doing some reading, I decided - heh, maybe I shouldn't run today. The fact of just shifting my weight hurt it spoke volumes about not running. Sad moment. But. One thing I learned from the coaches: always listen to your body. Back to bed for me it was :)

That afternoon I went with my friends for an overnight trip at a resort up in Barrie. It wasn't until I got my rest (3 hours of restful sleep), amazingly, my foot 'healed' itself. It was painfree after that. So it wasn't the same case as some of the things I read from my google search :P I was extremely relieved mind you. Still am. That means: I can continue training! :)

After a restful week of no running, I resumed training on the Monday, doing a calm easy cross-training exercise (yoga).
Today, I did my easy 7km run at my local Goodlife fitness gym followed by some 20 odd situps (I recall one of the coaches mentioning building abs to being a good help in conserving calorie burn rate). Hurray!!! I got one of my runs in this week. Tomorrow I'm off for an eye doctor's appointment so no gym for me. Hopefully my perscription doesn't change.... :P

Current cravings of food right now:

(French Onion Soup!)

(Eggs benedict!) - might have this on saturday!

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